BBJ Materials Handling

AL-LIFT mobile and stationary lifting equipment


Mobile & Stationary lifting equipment

Expanding on our materials handling range we are pleased to announce the addition of AL-LIFT mobile and stationary lifting equipment. Ideal for any load picking workflow. AL-LIFT offers a safe, cost-effective way to take the strain off your manual workforce.

With both stationary or mobile options available this solution is perfect in tight spaces, in particular the unloading of containers and for sorting large or awkward shaped boxeswhich would usually require more than one person to handle.

We at BBJ are currently running special introductory offerson the entire range and offer sales, installation and service Australia-wide.


The Al-Lift product range includes…

Forklift Attached Vacuum lifters

Forklift Integrated Lifting Arm

Swing Crane Vacuum

Wall Mounted Cranes

Call us today on 1300 635 820 to find out more