BBJ Materials Handling

Durwen AGV Attachments


Durwen AGV Double Pallet Handlers

BBJ, working along with Dimetic have helped Lion Australia future-proof it’s supply chain and manufacturing operations at its Tooheys Brewery in Lidcombe, NSW, with Dematic Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) and the use of Durwen Double Pallet Handlers.

The Tooheys facility brews up to 300 million litres of beer per year and produces up to 120,000 cartons of product per day, which is equivalent to 2 million litres per day. With the beverage supply chain running in a 24/7 cycle, Lion’s core motivation for streamlining its supply chain and manufacturing operations with AGVs was to help the company meet the needs of its consumers, whilst also looking after its own employees by providing a safe and well-managed workplace.

Call BBJ Materials Handling today on 1300 635 820 to see how we can assist future-proof your supply chain operations.